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Latest News2021-11-08T09:48:51-05:00

Keeping Your Pet’s Coat Healthy During Winter

Winter is a special time of the year. But it's also a time of the year when weather conditions can get harsh. Add to that the need to run heating on a regular basis, and you may notice your skin or hair getting dry. As a pet parent, it's important to remember that these same issues affect dogs and cats. If you've already noticed dryness or winter dandruff with your pet or just want to get ahead of any potential problems, we've got several ways that you can help your pet all season long: Stay on Top of [...]

Why Are Cats Such Picky Eaters?

If you're wondering why this is such a commonly asked question, it's because cats are imprinted feeders. This is why cats are such picky eaters. Since cats are much more finicky than dogs, we're going to help you understand cats' eating habits, as well as the best way to feed your cat. Understanding Cats' Eating Habits To understand why cats approach eating the way they do, it's helpful to zoom out and look beyond just domestic cats. When cats encounter an item in the wild, they have to distinguish between whether it's nutritious and tasty, or potentially [...]

Help Your Pet Age Gracefully

We all wish our pets could stay young forever. But because aging is a natural part of life, the best thing we can do as pet parents is know what our furry companions need to age comfortably and gracefully. Here are the five most important issues to keep in mind as your pet gets older: 1. Keep Moving The best starting point for taking care of an aging pet is to make time for daily activity. Although it may be lower impact and at a slower pace than when a pet was young, moving helps combat a [...]


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